



  • 为了更好地管理有限的机构资金, 以下一般政策适用于九大院校资助申请:
  • Eligibility for nearly all forms of 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid is determined during the 招生 process and starts with the Scholarship Application linked above.
  • 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid is designed to assist students in paying for their education, 最高可达学生每学期直接费用的上限. The total amount of 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid will be reduced to cover only direct costs to the University in any given semester.
  • Nearly all 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid requires full-time enrollment and Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards, 如网赌最好最大平台目录所述, 以便收到提供的资金. Some forms of 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid may be prorated for less-than-full-time enrollment.
  • 网赌最好最大平台体育奖学金获得者除外, 合资格的学生可获得多于一种形式的大学资助.
  • 网赌最好最大平台 Athletic Scholarship recipients are not eligible for additional 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid, with the exception of the 网赌最好最大平台 Campus Visit Award and the new 网赌最好最大平台 Commonwealth Commitment Grant established for eligible new students in the 2024-25 academic year and beyond. *
  • The award amount for a non-residential undergraduate student who lives off-campus and commutes to school from the local area is prorated to 85% of the award amount for a residential undergraduate student.
  • Undergraduate students enrolled in reduced-tuition degree programs are not eligible for 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid. Reduced-tuition undergraduate degree programs include RN-BSN and Para-Professional Pathway to Certified Teacher (Option 9).
  • 所有研究生都参加了学费减免的学位课程. 如果研究生符合一定的标准, they may be eligible for certain Graduate tuition discounts or Graduate Assistantship benefits.
  • Receipt of 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid is limited to individual students for a maximum of 5 years or 10 semesters.


网赌最好最大平台为每个校际体育项目提供体育奖学金. The Head Coach of a sport determines the amount of an athletic scholarship offered to an accepted new student during the recruiting process. The Head Coach informs the 招生 Counselor of the athletic scholarship offer. Then the 金融援助 Office receives notification of the athletic scholarship to be included in the student’s official 金融援助 Offer.

The Athletic Director and the student’s Head Coach determine if renewal of a 网赌最好最大平台 athletic scholarship is approved for subsequent academic years. 续订决定是基于, 在某种程度上, on the student’s academic performance as well as athletic performance and residential status.

* 请注意: 网赌最好最大平台 Athletic Scholarship recipients are not eligible for additional 网赌最好最大平台 institutional aid, with the exception of the 网赌最好最大平台 Campus Visit Award and the new 网赌最好最大平台 Commonwealth Commitment Grant.



  • Established for the 2024-2025 academic year and beyond; 50 awards offered in initial stage
  • An accepted new student who completes a 网赌最好最大平台 Scholarship Application and is a Kentucky resident receiving at least a partial Pell Grant AND a Kentucky 学费 Grant or Kentucky CAP Grant, 哪些是由学生的FAFSA决定的, 会被考虑. Priority consideration will be given to scholarship applications received by February 15 each year. 
  • After the 招生 Counselor determines if a 网赌最好最大平台 Commonwealth Commitment Grant will be offered to a new student, the 网赌最好最大平台 金融援助 Administrator determines the amount of the grant after considering all known sources of financial aid, 包括联邦学生贷款. 
  • An awarded student may be eligible for renewal in subsequent academic years for a maximum of up to eight (8) consecutive semesters, 只要学生继续达到令人满意的学业进步标准, 佩尔助学金资格, 以及肯塔基州助学金资格. 


If an interested student attends an official campus visit arranged by the 招生 Office, he/she will receive a $500 网赌最好最大平台 Campus Visit Award disbursed evenly in the student’s first two semesters.


  • 这项奖学金是以网赌最好最大平台的创始人和第一任校长J.W. 论及. 
  • 论及 is a competitive scholarship based on an essay approved and ratified by the 网赌最好最大平台 Cabinet.
  • Only new freshmen students are eligible to apply for the 论及 Excellence Award – transfer students and re-admitted students are not eligible to apply. 
  • Award applicants must be accepted for admission to 网赌最好最大平台 by January 1 for consideration.
  • 论文提交截止日期为3月1日.
  • 奖项申请人必须至少有3个.高中平均成绩50分,ACT或SAT成绩至少27分.
  • 每学年最多有8名新生被选为获奖者.
  • Each campus-dorm residential student winner will receive up to 100% tuition scholarship, 每年可更新,只要他/她保持3.在网赌最好最大平台的大学生涯中,平均绩点达到30或更高. 
  • 每个通勤学生获胜者将获得高达85%的学费奖学金, 每年可更新,只要他/她保持3.在网赌最好最大平台的大学生涯中,平均绩点达到30或更高.


网赌最好最大平台 has an agreement with the National Bible Bowl program that 网赌最好最大平台 will grant tuition scholarships to individuals and members of the following placing events. 这些奖学金加在一起,反映总奖励, 在4年(8个学期)的时间内平均分配。. This scholarship award would begin the fall semester immediately following graduation from High School. Recipients of this “stackable” scholarship must maintain a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester and a cumulative GPA of 2.5或以上. 网赌最好最大平台圣经碗奖学金只适用于网赌最好最大平台的学费, 如上所述,并在下文指定.  




大学与几个赞助布道的组织合作, 演讲, 还有声乐比赛. Included are the North American Christian Convention, state teen conventions, and others. 该领域的第一名奖学金为2美元,000, 第二名$1,500, 第三名750美元. 

请注意:  Awards from 网赌最好最大平台 Bible Bowl and 网赌最好最大平台 Preaching/Speech or Vocal Scholarships must be used beginning the fall semester following high school graduation.

网赌最好最大平台校友 & 教堂奖学金


“谢谢你,博士。. 砖头倒了这么多时间, 爱, and effort into my education to make sure that I became a nurse that is prepared to go make disciples for Christ. 我将永远感激您和扬西护理学院.”


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